It Has Begun

So this morning, my Indiegogo Campaign went live. 😀 I am very, very (very) excited!

The card game I’m raising the money for is, if you don’t mind me saying, a ton of fun and a great game to play with friends. You should totally go check it out. The video and post explain the basics of the game, but for those who want a little more detail, the rules are as follows:

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Card Game

So I love playing board/card games. I adore Munchkin, Gloom, Smallworld, etc. (and I have to admit that other than Munchkin, I was introduced to most of the games I now love by Wil Wheaton and his web-series Table Top on Geek & Sundry) On the weekend the hubs and I were playing the now out of print Three Dragon Ante. I thought it was fun, though kind of time consuming.

Which isn’t to say other games aren’t, but I felt the time/enjoyment balance wasn’t, well… balanced. I much prefer games like Gloom and Munchkin. Which got me thinking…

In addition to story ideas, every now and then I get an idea for a board game. And because I love Gloom just so freaking much (I have all but the house expansion pack, because the reviews weren’t very good for that one…) the idea I got was another story building card game. Except not so “depressing”. (Note: if you don’t end up laughing while playing Gloom you’re doing it wrong)

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